Worried About Bed Bugs? Try These Simple Home Remedies
Home Remedies For Bed Bugs: When you have bed bugs in your bed, as soon as you sleep, they start coming out from the edges and cracks of the bed to suck your blood. If you are looking for some remedies to get rid of bed bugs, then in this article we have told you about the ways and remedies to kill and get rid of bed bugs.
Get rid of bed bugs with neem oil.
Neem oil has medicinal and all kinds of insecticidal properties. The use of neem leaves, plants, and seeds is beneficial for many diseases. Use neem oil to kill bed bugs.
The remedy to get rid of bed bugs is mint leaves.
To get rid of bed bugs, break the mint leaves into small pieces and place those pieces in the place where the bed bugs come. You can grind mint leaves in small foil packets and place them under the mattress. In this way, mint leaves help in killing lice. Repeat this remedy every three to five days for best results.
Baking Soda to Kill Bedbugs.
Baking soda is another home remedy that you can use to get rid of bedbugs. Baking soda draws out the moisture from the bedbugs, making them weak and easy to kill.
To get rid of bedbugs from your home, first place the baking soda on the bed, furniture, doorknobs, and in every room where there are bedbugs. Leave it there for a week. After a week, clean the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner and make sure that no bedbugs or eggs remain.