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The Unique Role of Male Seahorses in Parenting

The Unique Role of Male Seahorses in Parenting

In every species of the world, women have a special right to give birth. However, the sea horse is the only species where males give birth instead of females. The sea horse is not a horse but a fish that looks like a horse. Its head looks like a horse, which is why it was named sea horse. There are more than a hundred species of seahorses in the world. Despite being a fish, most of the seahorse's habits differ from normal fish's.

Just as humans can see in one place with both eyes, in contrast, both eyes of seahorses can see in different places.

In this species, the responsibility of fathering children rests with the male. Male seahorses have a kangaroo-like pouch on their stomachs. The female passes the eggs in this sac. After that, all responsibility rests on the male who warms them all the time and then the babies hatch.

It takes about a month and a half for the babies to hatch. After this, the male opens the pouch and releases the babies into the sea. Male seahorses can lay eggs in their pouch three times a year. They can lay up to fifty eggs at a time.

You may be surprised to know that no one makes seahorses their food. Fish don't like to eat it and humans don't hunt to eat it either.

The seahorse is the only fish in the world that has a neck. It has no teeth and no stomach. It breathes through its gills. It is considered among the slowest swimming fish in the sea.