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Understanding Period-Related Breast Pain and How to Manage It

Understanding Period-Related Breast Pain and How to Manage It

Breast Pain Before Periods: Do you also feel pain in the breast before periods? That heaviness, that slight pricking, or sometimes sharp pain? You may think this is normal, but let's decode it a little today. Why does breast pain occur and how to get relief from it, we have brought all this for you today.

Breast pain means "mastalgia". It is a common part of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Often this pain starts about 2 weeks before periods and disappears as soon as menstruation ends. The pain can be dull, heavy, or sometimes like a prick. It is the result of hormonal changes.

Hormones like estrogen and progesterone fluctuate during menstruation, which affects breast tissues. When hormones are low, it causes pain. Sometimes this pain can also spread to the armpits.

Ways to avoid this:

Take a low-fat diet.
Take a diet rich in magnesium.
Stay away from caffeine and alcohol.
Do not eat too much salty food.
Wear a well-fitting bra. This makes you feel relaxed throughout the day.
Do light exercise which increases blood flow in the breast tissues and reduces pain.
If the pain increases, consult a doctor.