The Hidden Impact of Parental Words on Kids' Hearts


What parents should not say to their child: If we call parenting one of the most difficult tasks in the world, then it will not be wrong. Because parents know that the kind of sanskar they give to their child will depend on his future. How the child's behavior is going to be in the future, also depends somewhere on the sanskar given by the parents.

That is why every work should be done thoughtfully. But sometimes parents also make mistakes and they knowingly or unknowingly say many things which break the child's heart and also reduce his self-confidence.

In this article, we are going to tell you about some such things, that parents often say knowingly or unknowingly, which later breaks the child's heart and they feel bad.

1. I did a lot for you:

The mistake that parents often make is that they tell their children that they did nothing for them. No one can indeed do as much as parents do, but one should never say these things to their child in anger or during a fight.

2. You get offended too quickly:

Children gradually understand with age and so sometimes they get angry even on small things. But in such a situation, the parents must explain to them with love. But many times parents also say to them in anger that you get offended too quickly. The child feels very bad by saying this.

3. Doing this is not a big deal:

It is not that children remain engrossed in playing the whole day, they also try to do something good. They do as much good as they can and in such a situation, parents should praise them. But many times parents knowingly or unknowingly say that doing so is not a big deal.

4. You are useless:

You should never say to your children that you are useless. If the child is not able to do something well, then it is important to praise his work, so that his confidence increases and he can try better next time. On the contrary, saying such things lowers the child's confidence.

5. You can never become like this:

The child's confidence comes mostly from his parents and if the parents say something wrong in such a situation, then the child's confidence starts breaking. Telling the child that you can never become like this can break his heart and his confidence is also affected. The child should never be said like this. Disclaimer: Dear readers, this article only gives general information and advice. It is in no way a substitute for medical opinion. Therefore, always consult a specialist or your doctor for more information.