Stop Vomiting (Motion Sickness) While Travelling, Follow These Simple Steps

No one likes to walk around. It's an exciting time. But there are many for whom it is not so enjoyable. Many people get nervous while travelling; some even get sick in the car. Some also start to feel dizzy.
Whether it's a plane, train, car, or boat, motion sickness can happen at any time. It makes travelling completely useless. It is disturbing not only to the person who vomits but also to the family members who are with them.
If you too suffer from nausea while travelling, here are some tips and home remedies that you can use to overcome the problem. These tips can help you control your nausea and enjoy your trip.
Follow these tips:
Open a vehicle window or use an air vent for fresh air. Fresh air can help reduce the intensity of movement and reduce problems like dizziness and nervousness. Avoid reading or looking at a mobile in the car, as this can worsen the feeling of motion sickness. Instead, look out the window or close your eyes and relax.
Drink plenty of water regularly. Dehydration makes vomiting worse, so stay hydrated. Eat small amounts before and during the trip. Avoid heavy, oily, or spicy foods that can upset your stomach. Ginger and coriander can be particularly beneficial. Consume it at this time.
Listen to music, talk, or play small games to distract yourself. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Chew a small piece of ginger or drink ginger tea. Use a thermos for tea on the go. Chew mint candy or drink mint tea. Chew lemon or drink lemon water while chewing. Place a few cloves in your mouth and chew slowly.
Chew a spoonful of fennel seeds. It helps in reducing gas. Add a teaspoon of black salt to a teaspoon and swallow it with water. It aids in digestion and reduces nausea. Boil a teaspoon of cumin seeds in water and drink it. Chew cardamom; its aroma and taste can help reduce nausea. Eating turmeric cools the stomach and gives instant energy.