Should You Drink Water After Eating Peanuts? Ayurvedic Insights
Drinking water after eating peanuts: You must have tasted hot roasted peanuts with black salt and green chilies in winter. Eating roasted peanuts in winter not only tastes delicious on your tongue but eating peanuts also gives you relief from cold in winter. Eating roasted or boiled peanuts in the season of low temperatures and cold winds is very beneficial for your health. Antioxidants and minerals are found in peanuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, and other nuts which make them healthy.
In winter, when the fear of getting sick increases, eating nuts increases your immunity and keeps you healthy. However, people who eat peanuts also have to take care of some things. Like what peanuts should be eaten with and what should one avoid eating peanuts with. Many people drink cold water after eating peanuts which is considered harmful for health. Let us know whether drinking water after eating peanuts is bad for health and what can be its disadvantages.
What happens by drinking water after eating peanuts?
Drinking water after eating peanuts is not good for your health because doing so can cause problems related to your digestive system. At the same time, the respiratory tract is also damaged, which can cause severe symptoms of diseases like breathing problems, asthma, and bronchitis.
As any type of nuts take time to digest and if any mistake is made related to food, then the digestive system has a lot of difficulty in digesting nuts. If you drink water after eating peanuts, then it can cause problems for the digestive system to digest peanuts. This can also cause you the problem of indigestion and you do not get the benefit of the nutrients of nuts.
How long after eating peanuts should one drink water?
To avoid the problem of indigestion, you should avoid drinking water immediately after eating peanuts. After 30-40 minutes you can drink a small amount of water. Then, after waiting for some time, drink water in small quantities.