Relieve Period Pain Naturally with Asafoetida

Hing Water For Period Cramps: Apart from fatigue, girls experience stomach pain and cramps during periods. These problems sometimes increase so much that women get upset.
Asafoetida water can prove to be effective in reducing stomach pain and cramps. This recipe can be easily prepared at home and is beneficial for consumption in every season.
Yes, the asafoetida used in the kitchen not only reduces these problems related to your periods but also benefits your health in many other ways. While adding asafoetida tadka increases the flavor and taste of your dish, drinking asafoetida water regularly can also have many benefits for your health. Let's know the method of preparing asafoetida water and the right time to consume it.
Method to prepare asafoetida water:
Take a glass of hot water and add a pinch of asafoetida powder to it.
Now drink this water while it is still hot.
For better results, you can adopt the habit of drinking asafoetida water daily on an empty stomach.
What are the benefits of drinking asafoetida water daily?
Controls bad cholesterol:
Increasing the level of LDL or bad cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease. But by drinking asafoetida water, you can get rid of this cholesterol. Carbonic compounds are found in asafoetida. These elements reduce the level of bad cholesterol deposited in the body. Drinking asafoetida water daily on an empty stomach balances the level of bad cholesterol and good cholesterol in the body.
Helps in weight loss:
Consuming asafoetida can also be very beneficial for those who want to reduce their obesity. Drinking asafoetida water daily helps in weight loss. Drinking asafoetida water on an empty stomach is beneficial for weight loss. Asafoetida helps you in weight loss by increasing the body's metabolism and speeding up the fat-burning process.
Increases digestive power:
If your digestive system does not work properly due to a bad lifestyle and you have problems like gas formation in the stomach, acidity, or constipation, then drinking asafoetida water can be beneficial. Asafoetida increases your digestive power and reduces the problem of flatulence.