Itching and Burning in These 5 Body Parts: Signs of Serious Diseases
Diseases indicate their presence through many types of symptoms. Experts say that the disease often shows some special symptoms in its beginning, such as excessive fatigue, change in voice, change in the stomach, change in skin color, chest pain or pressure, sleep disturbance, weight change, swelling in the feet, etc. These symptoms indicate any change happening in the body. One of these symptoms is itching.
Itching is a common problem, that people often ignore, but sometimes it can be a sign of a serious disease in the body. Itching in certain parts, especially if it happens repeatedly, can be a sign of a health problem. Experts say that when there is itching in these parts of the body and it persists for a long time or other symptoms appear, does not ignore it. Itching can be a sign of many health problems and timely treatment can prevent major diseases. Let us know in which parts of the body itching should not be ignored.
1. Itching In Skin:
If there is constant itching in the skin, it can be a sign of inflammation, allergy, or skin infection such as eczema, psoriasis, etc. Sometimes it can also be due to internal problems such as liver or kidney diseases. If redness, swelling, or blisters also appear on the skin along with itching, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.
2. Private Parts (Itching In Genital Area):
Itching in the private parts can be a common problem, but it can also be a sign of infection, fungal infection, or bacterial imbalance in the vagina. Vaginal itching in women can often be a symptom of yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, or STD. Whereas in men it can be due to syphilis or other sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Head (Itching In Scalp):
Itching in the head is often caused by dandruff or inflammation of the head. But if this problem occurs repeatedly, it can be a sign of infection, allergy, or dermatitis in the scalp. Sometimes it can also be caused by microorganisms in the head, which can also cause hair loss.
4. Itching in feet and hands:
Itching in the feet and hands, especially between the fingers and toes, can be a symptom of fungal infection (such as athlete's foot). It may also be accompanied by swelling, irritation, or redness. If these symptoms persist for a long time, it can be a sign of skin infection or allergy, which can be dangerous to ignore.
5. Itching in the belly area:
Itching around the stomach can be a sign of liver or gallbladder problems. For example, hepatitis, gallstones, or other liver diseases can cause itching. If itching in the stomach is accompanied by other symptoms such as paleness, nausea, or feeling weak, contact a doctor immediately.