Is Your Child Suffering from Intestinal Worms? Look for These Signs
Symptoms of stomach worms in children: Having worms in the stomach of children is a common problem, but can be a very disturbing situation. Especially children who do not take special care of their health or whose parents are unable to take care of them may have the problem of worms in their stomachs. This is because stomach worms usually occur when the child comes in contact with contaminated food, water, or soil.
When there are worms in the stomach, many symptoms appear in the child, which is necessary to identify and get timely treatment. Here we will discuss the five major symptoms of stomach worms and the measures to prevent this problem. Let us know what kind of symptoms can be seen when children have worms in their stomachs.
Lack of proper appetite:
When there are worms in the stomach, the child's appetite may change. Sometimes the child may feel extremely hungry, and sometimes he completely refuses to eat. Worms absorb nutrients in the child's digestive system, which can make the child feel weak and tired.
Stomach pain and swelling:
Worms cause swelling and pain inside the stomach. Children often complain of pain around the navel. If this problem persists for a long time, it can be a sign of a serious condition. Such symptoms in the child's body should not be ignored even by mistake.
Weight loss:
If the child's weight starts decreasing gradually, do not ignore it. Worms in the stomach affect the nutrition of the body, which hinders the physical development of the child. If your child's weight is decreasing normally, then it should not be ignored.
Skin rashes or itching:
Worms can cause an allergic reaction in the body, causing rashes, itching, or redness on the skin. Itching, especially in the anal area, is a common symptom of stomach worms. Apart from stomach worms, it can also be a sign of many other diseases.
Sleep problems:
Worms in the stomach can make the child restless, due to which he is unable to sleep properly. Waking up frequently at night, grinding teeth, or feeling restless can be a sign of the presence of worms.
Preventive measures:
Teach children the habit of washing hands, especially before eating and after defecation.
Avoid contaminated water and food.
Give medicine for stomach worms from time to time after consulting a doctor.
Tell children to wash their hands and feet with soap after playing in the mud.
It is important to identify the symptoms on time and contact a doctor. This problem is easily treatable, but negligence can have a serious impact on the child's health.