Is Protein Powder Harmful to Your Liver and Kidneys? Know the Signs
Protein powder affects on kidney and liver: Protein is one of the most important nutrients for our body, which performs many important functions including muscle building. If someone wants to control their increasing body weight or increase their body weight, both need protein according to their different needs.
But sometimes it becomes difficult to take protein according to the body's needs from a normal diet, because along with protein, we also get carbs and fat, etc. from normal food, due to which more calories start going into the body. In such a situation, the only option left is protein powder.
Various brands are selling their protein powder in the market and in such a situation it is becoming very difficult to find out the real and fake. This is the reason that many times wrong protein powder is taken without information, which later starts damaging the liver and kidneys.
If you are also taking protein powder, then you should also be careful. Especially those people who feel the symptoms mentioned below and are taking protein powder should contact a good doctor and dietician once about this.
Liver-related symptoms:
If you are taking too much protein at one time, then it increases the risk of hepatic encephalopathy, which increases the risk of many serious liver diseases. In such a situation, symptoms like swelling around the liver, pain around the liver, yellow stools, and constipation can be seen.
Kidney-related symptoms:
Consuming too much protein at one time can also be harmful to your kidneys. Especially if you are taking protein powder and it is not of good quality, then your kidneys are affected. Your kidneys have to work harder to filter the blood and in such a situation there is a fear of kidney damage. Swelling or pain in one part of the stomach, blood in urine, frequent urination or very little urination, etc. are symptoms indicating kidney-related diseases.
Stomach-related symptoms:
If your protein powder is not of good quality, then it can cause stomach-related diseases. If you are feeling symptoms like stomach pain, swelling, diarrhea, gas formation, etc. after taking protein powder, then you should contact the doctor once about this. Apart from this, some people may also experience symptoms like sour burp, heartburn, etc.
Is it right to take protein powder:
If protein powder is taken in the right quantity and keeping all other things in mind, then it is completely right and you can consume it. However, if the protein powder is not of the right quality, then it can harm your health. Apart from this, if you have any kind of health-related problem, then due to this, many times there is difficulty in digesting protein powder and stomach pain and other problems occur.