Is It Safe to Have Sex During Pregnancy? Expert Insights

The happiest moment in any woman's life is getting pregnant. However, many questions arise in women's minds when they are pregnant for the first time. One of these questions is 'Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?' and the second question is 'How long should we not have sex after delivery?' Today we will answer these two questions for you.
When to have sex after delivery?
You all know that there are two types of delivery. The first is a normal delivery and the second is a surgical delivery. So be aware that it takes some time for a woman's body to recover after delivery. That is why you should not have sex immediately after delivery.
It is recommended to have sex only after one and a half to two months of normal delivery. On the other hand, after three to four months of surgical delivery, intercourse is advised. Because the health condition of the woman is not so good because of the surgery. Stitches take time to dry.
How safe is sex during pregnancy?
The answer to this question is a little different. It depends on many things. In some cases, it is considered safe to have sex only after 5 months of conception. It is advised not to have contact at all in one's field.
Many precautions have to be taken to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy. Such as the use of protection (condom), so that the pregnant woman does not get any infection situation. The position is also important. The 'On the top' position is the safest.
If a woman is bleeding or has abdominal pain or has already had an abortion, sex during pregnancy should not be performed in these circumstances.
If a woman's uterus is weak and her pelvic floor is not able to support the baby and sex at the same time, she should not have sex in this situation. Generally speaking, if you want to avoid some problems during pregnancy, then it is better to not have sex. But if you want to do it, consult your doctor. He can tell you if it is safe for you.