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Immediate Relief for Kids’ Eyes After Holi Color Exposure

Immediate Relief for Kids’ Eyes After Holi Color Exposure

Holi is a festival of happiness and colors, but it can also cause problems for children's delicate skin and eyes. When colors containing harmful chemicals get into the eyes, problems like burning, redness, and pain can occur. Small children rub their eyes repeatedly while playing, which can further aggravate the problem.

Many times, despite washing with water, burning remains, which causes a lot of trouble to children. Parents need to know what to do immediately and what not to do if color gets into the child's eyes during Holi. By adopting the right first aid, burning and pain can be reduced, and the eyes can be kept safe.

In this article, we will tell you about those important first aid treatments, by adopting which you can reduce the irritation and pain in the eyes of children and can save them from any serious problem.

Do this first aid treatment when color gets into the eyes of children:

1. Wash the eyes with cold water -

First of all, to get rid of the problem of irritation in the child's eyes, wash the eyes with clean and cold water. For this, open their eyelids lightly with clean hands and wash slowly with fresh water. If the color has penetrated too much, then keep pouring water into the eyes continuously for 10-15 minutes.

2. Put in eye drops or rose water -

If the irritation persists, then put 2-3 drops of non-prescription eye drops or rose water. Rose water cools the eyes and reduces irritation.

3. Place ice or cold bandage-

To reduce irritation and swelling in the eyes, wrap ice in a clean cloth and place it lightly on the eyes. This will reduce swelling and provide immediate relief.

4. Do not let them rub the eyes-

If the child's eyes are irritated, they may rub them, which can aggravate the problem. Stop them from doing this and divert their attention elsewhere.

5. Use milk-

If there is a lot of irritation in the eyes, dip a cotton ball in cold milk and wipe it gently. The lactic acid present in milk helps in removing harmful colors.

6. Apply aloe vera gel-

If there is irritation around the eyes, apply aloe vera gel. It naturally cools and reduces irritation.

7. Give plenty of water-

Make the child drink plenty of water so that the toxic elements come out of the body and the irritation is relieved.

8. Consult a doctor-

If the eye problem persists, the swelling in the eyes increases, or the vision becomes blurred, then contact the doctor immediately.

Take these precautions for protection:

Let the children play Holi with herbal or natural colors only.
Apply a little Vaseline or coconut oil on their eyes so that the color does not go inside.
After playing Holi, wash the face and eyes thoroughly.
Keep in mind that children should play Holi more with dry colors because wet colors quickly go into the eyes.
If these measures are adopted, then the fun of Holi will not be spoiled, and the eyes of the children will also remain safe.