Honey and Turmeric: A Natural Remedy for Joint Pain Relief
In Ayurveda, Indian spices have been used to cure many diseases. Especially turmeric is said to have miraculous properties. Similarly, honey also has many miraculous properties. Both honey and turmeric are rich in antibiotic properties and this is the reason why they have been used as traditional medicines for centuries. In the winter season, both of these help in fighting infection by strengthening the immune system. Let us know what will be the benefits if you start drinking a powerful mixture of turmeric and honey daily.
Glowy skin:
A mixture of honey and turmeric will greatly increase the health and glow of the skin. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric will reduce acne and irritation, but honey is a natural moisturizer that nourishes the skin. Many people also use both of these as face masks for clean and healthy skin.
Relief in joint pain:
If you have a problem with pain in your knees or joints, then a mixture of honey and turmeric can give you relief from this problem. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which is effective in reducing swelling and pain. When you mix honey in it, its strength increases further. Therefore, if arthritis patients start using this natural remedy, they will get a lot of relief from pain.
Improves digestive system:
Eating honey and turmeric improves the digestive system. It is especially very helpful in digesting the fat present in the body. Honey is light, which reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. It does not cause gas. By eating a mixture of turmeric and honey, you will get freedom from mild pain caused by swelling and acid in the stomach.
Cures cold and cough:
Winters are coming and if you want to stay away from problems like cold and cough in winter days, then drinking honey and turmeric with warm water daily will be beneficial. If you want, you can also add basil leaves to it.
In heart diseases:
If someone is a heart patient, then a mixture of turmeric and honey can be very effective for him too. It is beneficial to drink turmeric and honey mixed in warm water on an empty stomach every day. The properties present in turmeric help in reducing the risk of heart disease.
Helpful in weight management:
Eating turmeric mixed with honey helps in reducing weight. It works to burn body fat. Metabolism improves. Despite honey being sweet in taste, its glycemic index is very low. It can easily calm the craving for sweets without reducing energy. By eating the mixture of both or drinking it mixed in water, its effect is seen on the body very quickly.
Immunity Booster:
It is not hidden from anyone that both turmeric and honey work as immunity boosters. Drinking turmeric and honey mixed in warm water on an empty stomach every day is beneficial. Even if you have a cold and cough, then you can make a mixture of honey and turmeric and take half a spoon three times a day as a medicine. This will be very beneficial.