Do men have a higher sex desire than women? Know what experts say

After seeing the increasing crimes against women, hearing about the bad behaviour of many men around us, or seeing campaigns like MeToo in India and abroad, a big question arises: do men have more sexual desire?
Sexual Desire: Men vs Women
In most relationships, men seem to demand sex. Traditionally, very few women have been seen taking action on this issue. Although the subject of sexual intercourse is very personal, experts have a clear opinion on it.
Sexual health expert Dr. Nidhi Jha answered this question during the interview. He said, "It cannot be considered accurate as data or science that men have more sexual desire or need for sexual intercourse than women." Dr. Jha said that it is a scientific fact that men have one orgasm during intercourse, while women can have multiple orgasms. However, it is said that after the first orgasm, women can have subsequent orgasms sooner.
It is wrong to say that men are active and women are passive partners. Dr. Nidhi Jha said, "Many times we hear talk about fake orgasms." Why does this happen? Because women respect their partner's feelings. It is clear from this incident that women are also active partners during sexual intercourse.
The reason why men are called active and women are passive partners may also be due to patriarchal society. Because of this, women are not able to express their sexual desire more or are not considered to be very sexually active. However, this is changing rapidly now.
Dr. Jha said that according to science, there is no significant difference between men and women in terms of sexual desire. The data shows that women are in no way inferior to men.