Breakfast Skipper? Beware of Serious Health Risks!

In today's busy life, everyone forgets to eat breakfast in the morning. Which weakens our body and makes us sick. As the saying goes, if the day starts well, the whole day goes well for us. If we do not eat breakfast every morning, our body lacks nutrients. Also, if this habit continues for a long time, our body gradually becomes a breeding ground for diseases.
Hidden Dangers of Skipping Breakfast
According to experts, if we eat breakfast regularly, it provides glucose to our body. which maintains blood sugar levels in the body. On the other hand, if we don't eat breakfast for a long time, the blood sugar level in our body decreases. Due to which there is a risk of type 2 diabetes. Then Let us know if we do not eat breakfast for a month continuously, what kind of damage will happen to our body?
Anxiety:- According to experts, the neurotransmitter serotonin has a huge impact on our mood. Which is influenced by what we eat for breakfast. If we skip breakfast for a month, the levels of serotonin are disrupted. Due to which symptoms of irritability, anxiety, and depression also appear.
Weight gain: According to experts, skipping breakfast leads to weight gain instead of weight loss. When we don't eat breakfast in the morning, we often overeat at lunch. So that our risk of weight gain is high.
Metabolic syndrome: Skipping breakfast increases our risk of metabolic syndrome. Which increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, and type-2 diabetes.
Lack of nutrients: By eating breakfast in the morning, our body gets a lot of nutrients. If we do not eat breakfast in the morning, then we may lack nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Which causes many diseases. That's why those who don't eat breakfast in the morning can face all these problems.