4 Spices to Add to Your Tea for Quick Relief from Cough and Mucus
Spice tea to remove phlegm in the chest: Cough and cold problems become common in winter due to cold weather, humidity in the atmosphere, and changing temperatures. These problems can increase due to exposure to viruses and bacteria. Mild cough, runny nose, and sore throat are common symptoms. Due to this, mucus can accumulate in the chest, which blocks the respiratory system and causes discomfort.
Excessive accumulation of mucus can cause infection or inflammation in the respiratory system, causing breathing problems. But if you use some spices present in the kitchen, it can help in removing mucus. By consuming these spices in tea, you can keep your respiratory system clean and healthy.
1. Ginger:
Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in removing mucus. Along with bringing freshness to ginger tea, it also destroys the mucus accumulated in the throat and chest. Consumption of ginger reduces inflammation and keeps the respiratory tract clear.
2. Turmeric:
An element called curcumin is found in turmeric, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. It helps in flushing out the bacteria and toxins accumulated in the body. Mixing turmeric in tea and drinking it expels mucus and also soothes throat inflammation.
3. Mint:
Peppermint soothes the respiratory system and helps in removing mucus. It contains an element called menthol, which cools the throat and chest, providing relief in breathing. Mint tea expels mucus as well as clears the respiratory tract.
4. Fennel:
The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties present in fennel help in expelling mucus. It also improves digestion and purifies the body. By drinking fennel tea, the mucus deposited in the throat and chest comes out quickly and breathing becomes easier. You can also drink fennel by adding it to ordinary tea, you can get many benefits from it too.
Method of making masala tea:
To use these spices, boil ginger, turmeric, mint, and fennel in a cup of water. After boiling, filter it and drink it as hot tea. Drinking it daily in the morning and evening can give you relief from mucus and keep the respiratory system healthy.