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4 Effective Home Remedies to Reduce Hair Fall This Winter

4 Effective Home Remedies to Reduce Hair Fall This Winter

Home Remedies for Hair Fall: Along with the skin, hair also needs extra care in winter. Actually, due to dry air in winter, moisture from the scalp decreases. Also, the flow of blood circulation decreases. This makes the hair dry and frizzy, which can cause hair fall. Most people wash their hair with hot water in winter.

This opens the hair follicles and causes hair fall. Especially, women are troubled by the problem of hair fall in winter. To get rid of the problem of hair fall, you must take special care of your diet. Apart from this, you can also try some home remedies to get rid of hair fall. Let's know the home remedies to get rid of hair fall in winter.

Home remedies for hair fall in winter-

1. Apply onion juice:

If your hair is falling more in winter, then you can apply onion juice. Onion juice makes hair strong. This controls the problem of hair fall (Hair Fall Control). For this, extract onion juice. Apply it thoroughly on your hair and scalp at night. Wash hair with mild shampoo in the morning. The sulfur present in onion juice makes hair strong.

2. Apply the paste of fenugreek seeds:

You can also apply the paste of fenugreek seeds to prevent hair fall. For this, soak fenugreek overnight. Make a paste of them in the morning and apply it to the hair. Wash hair with water after half an hour. Applying the paste of fenugreek seeds 1-2 times a week can provide relief from hair fall. Fenugreek strengthens hair. Fenugreek seeds are also effective in hair growth. Fenugreek has a warming effect. Applying it to hair in winter will also keep the body warm.

3. Massage hair with oil:

Massage is very important to strengthen hair. If hair is falling in winter, then massage the hair with mustard, sesame, coconut, or castor oil. For this, warm the oil slightly. Now massage the hair and scalp thoroughly with this oil. Massaging increases blood circulation in the head and makes the hair strong. Massage your hair at night and wash your hair with shampoo in the morning. You must massage the hair thoroughly with oil 1-2 times a week.

4. Apply egg and curd:

If you are troubled by hair fall in winter, then applying a mixture of egg and curd can be beneficial. The protein present in the egg strengthens the hair from the roots. Yogurt protects the scalp from infection. It also gets rid of lifeless and frizzy hair. For this, take an egg and beat it well. Now mix yogurt in it. Apply this paste to your hair. Wash the hair after 30-45 minutes.