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Yoga Poses to Relieve Inflammation in Autoimmune Diseases

Yoga Poses to Relieve Inflammation in Autoimmune Diseases

Tips to manage autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune diseases are diseases that a person can have from the time of birth and in most cases these problems cannot be cured for life. Immune cells are present in the bodywork to boost immunity.

When the immune power of the body is too low or too high, then you start having immune system disorders. If the level of immune cells is too high, these cells start to damage your body from the inside. This condition is called an autoimmune disease. Vasculitis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type-1 diabetes, lupus, and myositis are autoimmune disorders and diseases.

Living with autoimmune diseases and managing these diseases can be a daunting task. However, using methods to control stress can help control the symptoms of autoimmune disorders and thus help manage the disease and improve overall health. can

How can auto-immune diseases be managed with the help of yoga?

Yoga can help manage autoimmune diseases and reduce inflammation in the body, as well as reduce stress and boost your overall health. Yoga can be used in many ways to help patients feel better and recover faster from autoimmune diseases.

By incorporating yoga into your daily routine, you can strengthen your immune system, reduce inflammation levels in the body, and manage autoimmune conditions... Listen to your body and practice yoga according to your body's ability. Also, change your routine from time to time as needed.

Practice easy yoga postures:

Experts recommend starting yoga practice in autoimmune diseases with asanas that are simple and easy to practice. You can practice Balasana (child's pose) or Marjarisana (cat-cow stretch) for stretching and relaxation.

Do Pranayama:

Practice pranayama and deep breathing exercises daily. Anulom-Vilom and other types of pranayama calm your nervous system and reduce stress levels. Pranayama also increases your immune response and makes you feel relaxed.

Do meditation:

Meditation can also help reduce inflammation in the body and improve immune function. Practicing meditation lowers levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. It makes you feel relaxed.

Yoga Nidra:

It is a special technique that is used to reduce sleep-related problems and promote deep relaxation. Regular practice of yoga nidra gives you relief from stress.

These lifestyle changes are helpful in autoimmune diseases:

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your diet.
Exercise daily. This will improve mood, reduce stress, and lower stress levels.
Adequate sleep is essential for good immune function. This improves your overall health. So, get 8 hours of sleep every day.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.