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Yoga Poses Every Woman Above 40 Should Practice for Vitality

oga Poses Every Woman Above 40 Should Practice for Vitality

Yoga Poses For Women After 40: After the age of 40, many changes occur in the body of women. With increasing age, women start having problems related to weakness, fatigue, bone pain, mood swings, and periods.

Apart from this, it is also a common thing to see wrinkles and fine lines on the skin after the age of 40. Hormonal fluctuations occur rapidly in the body of women during the age of 40. Most women also start showing symptoms of pre-menopause during this time.

In such a situation, to deal with all these problems, women must include some yogasanas in their daily routine. Today in this article we are going to tell you about some such yogasanas, that women must do after the age of 40. So let's know about it in detail -


To do this asana, lie down on your stomach on the yoga mat.
Keep your elbows close to your waist and keep your palms facing upwards.
Now while breathing slowly, lift your chest upwards.
After that, slowly lift your stomach. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Now while exhaling, slowly bring the head down towards the ground.
Repeat this process 3 to 5 times.


To do this asana, first, lie down on your back on the ground.
Now bend your knees and keep the soles on the ground.
Hold the ankles of the feet with both your hands.
While breathing, slowly lift your body.
Stay in this posture for 1-2 minutes.
After this, while exhaling, come back to the initial posture.


To do this asana, first sit in Sukhasana on the yoga mat.
Now sit with both your legs straight in front.
During this, both heels and toes will remain together.
Now while exhaling and bending forward, hold the thumbs of both feet with both hands.
Tap the forehead to the knees and keep both elbows on the ground.
Stay in this posture for 1-2 minutes.
After this, return to your initial posture.
Repeat this process 3-5 times.


To do this asana, first, lie down on your back on the yoga mat.
Keep your hands near the body and keep the palms facing the ground.
After this, while inhaling, slowly lift the legs and make an angle of 90 degrees.
Now lift your back as well while exhaling.
Then slowly try to touch the toes of the feet to the ground.
Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Then slowly return to the starting position.
Repeat this process 3-5 times.

Adhomukha Svanasana:

To do this asana, first, lie down on your stomach on the yoga mat.
Now keeping your hands and feet on the ground, lift your back and hips upwards.
Stay in this posture for 1-2 minutes.
After this, exhale and come back to the starting posture.
Repeat this process 3-5 times.