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Winter Bone Pain: Causes and Home Remedies

Winter Bone Pain: Causes and Home Remedies

Home treatment for bone pain in winter: Although the problem of bone and joint pain becomes common with age. But in the cold season, many times this problem starts before age. There are many reasons in the cold season bones start paining or pain starts more than before. In the winter season, bones start weakening and the flexibility of the muscles also starts decreasing.

This is the reason that bones become very weak in the winter season and start painting. To deal with this, most people start taking painkillers. But there are also some home remedies and natural ways, with the help of which bone pain can be reduced. But before that, we have to know about the cause of bone pain in winter and then we will know about its treatment at home.

Causes of bone pain:

1. Stiffness in joints and muscles due to cold temperature.
2. Vitamin D deficiency, because there is less sunlight in winter.
3. Problems like arthritis have more effect in cold.
4. Weakening of bones with aging.

Treatment of bone pain at home:

Hot water fomentation and oil massage-

Hot water fomentation is the easiest way to reduce bone and joint pain in winter. It increases blood flow and relaxes the muscles. Mix some garlic in mustard oil and massage. It reduces joint stiffness and relieves pain.

Consumption of fenugreek, turmeric, and ginger-

Fenugreek, turmeric, and ginger have natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, which help in reducing bone pain. Fenugreek strengthens joints, turmeric reduces inflammation and ginger reduces muscle stiffness by increasing blood flow. Relief can be obtained by including them in the diet.

Take sunlight-

Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, which helps in strengthening bones. Vitamin D increases calcium absorption, which reduces bone pain and stiffness. Spending 15-20 minutes in the morning sun every day improves bone health.

Yoga and stretching-

Yoga and stretching are very beneficial in relieving bone pain. They make joints flexible, reduce muscle stiffness, and increase blood flow. Regular yoga, such as Vajrasana and Bhujangasana, and light stretching increase bone strength and relieve pain.