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Sleep Guidelines by Age: Prevent Diseases with Proper Rest

Sleep Guidelines by Age: Prevent Diseases with Proper Rest

Sleep Guidelines by Age: You must know that sleep is very important for everyone. Because sleeping relieves fatigue and makes us feel fresh, so let's know how much time we need to sleep according to age and how much time we need to sleep increases the ability to interact physically.

Sleeping regularly and on time increases the immunity of our body and helps us maintain physical activity well.

If children between the ages of 6 and 13 sleep 10 hours a day, the child's health remains good and memory power also increases.

Children between the ages of 14 and 21 should sleep 9 hours a day. Because along with the increase in immunity, physical strength also increases at this age. With this, the body is free from diseases.

People above 22 should sleep 8 hours a day because the body gets some energy after getting relief from physical or mental exertion. Generally, for boys between the ages of 18 and 27 and girls between the ages of 25 and 35, regular sleep helps the body to stay free from diseases and also increases the ability to have physical intercourse.