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Pre Wedding skin care routine to get bright and glossy skin

Pre Wedding skin care routine to get bright and glossy skin

Everything from the skin to the hair needs to be taken care of well in advance to look beautiful on the wedding day. Find out what aspects to look out for. Do light exercise daily to maintain fitness.  Along with this, eat more fruits and salads, whole grains, yogurt, cheese etc.

Try yoga or meditation to reduce stress.

Cleansing, toning and moisturizing the scalp regularly.  Stop planting herbs a few days before the wedding. Because the pepper color does not leave easily from the skin. Makes it difficult to apply makeup. Apply lemon juice and raw milk before going to bed at least 3 times a week.  It acts as a natural cleanser and astringent and enhances the glow of the skin.

Cut a potato thinly and rub it on your face, it will act as a scrub.

Scrub at least once a week. Sleep regularly and for at least 8 hours. No dark circles under the eyes. Buy and use makeup products in advance. The skin will know if it is shooting or not. Be sure to apply sunscreen lotion when going out. Also get manicures and pedicures.

If the hair is dry then apply warm oil once every 3 days.  Also do hair spa once or twice a month. After 2 days of facial, skin glows. So do the facial 2 days before the wedding.  Do any type of facial like fruit, aroma, pearl, gold or diamond according to your skin. Do not use any new beauty products weeks before the wedding.