Male Society at Risk: Exploring the Decrease of the Y Chromosome.

Men's society is going to disappear! Men are no longer to be seen on the surface of the earth. However, such information is known from a study. Which has become a matter of great concern for scientists. Maybe this fact or matter may seem surprising to you.
But it is true. Because we are not saying this from our heart. Rather, this fact has come to light from a study. According to the experts, male society is slowly disappearing from the earth. Which has worried not only the scientists but also the people of the whole world.
However, according to experts, the main reason for the disappearance of the male population is the Y chromosome. Gradually this Y chromosome weakens in males. And for whom the earth is going to be empty.
Normally, males and females have different chromosomes. X and Y chromosomes are found in males while X and X chromosomes are found in females. According to experts, a girl is born when the X chromosome of a man and the X chromosome of a woman join together.
At this time, if the Y chromosome of a man combines with the X chromosome of a woman, a boy is born. But now the Y chromosome which helps in having a male child is gradually weakening. And according to the study of experts, after a few days, the surface of the earth may be empty.
However, according to experts, the main reason for the weakening of the Y chromosome is the lifestyle of the present time. Being mentally unwell contributes to the weakening of the Y chromosome. Even drug consumption and eating fast food are the main causes of the weakening of the Y chromosome.