Is Dandruff a Sign of Vitamin Deficiency?
Dandruff caused by vitamin deficiency: Dandruff of the head is a common problem, which can be caused by many reasons, such as dry skin, skin conditions (such as seborrheic dermatitis), or fungal infection in the head. It appears as white or light yellow flakes on the skin of the head, which can cause itching and irritation. This problem can cause embarrassment and a lack of confidence. To get relief from dandruff, it is important to use good shampoo, regular cleaning of hair, and adopt a healthy diet.
However, experts say that the problem of dandruff in the head can be caused by many reasons and one reason can be vitamin deficiency. Maintaining the right level of vitamins in the body is important for hair health and some of these vitamins can especially help prevent dandruff such as
Dandruff caused by Vitamin b6 deficiency:
Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause dryness and itching in the scalp, which causes dandruff. This vitamin helps in maintaining freshness in the scalp and without it, dryness and irritation in the skin can occur, which can increase the problem of dandruff. Therefore, you should include vitamin B6 in your diet.
Vitamin B12:
Like all vitamins, this vitamin is also very important, because vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair loss and dandruff problems in the head. This vitamin helps in preventing blood deficiency in the body and stimulates blood flow, which keeps the scalp healthy.
Vitamin E:
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps in providing moisture to the scalp and keeping it healthy. Its deficiency can cause dry skin and dandruff problems. It also increases blood circulation, which provides nutrition to the scalp. It also helps in hair growth.
Dandruff caused by Vitamin A deficiency:
Vitamin A deficiency can cause dryness and cellulite in the skin. Vitamin A strengthens the hair roots and keeps the scalp hydrated. Without it, the problem of cellulite and dandruff can arise in the skin. Dandruff can start due to a lack of vitamin A in the body.
A balanced diet is very important to overcome the deficiency of these vitamins. You can consume things like green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, and almonds, which are rich in these vitamins. Also, if the problem is serious, it would be advisable to consult a doctor.