Foods to Avoid Drinking Water With: Health Risks Explained
Drinking water keeps our body hydrated. Drinking water is very important to prevent many diseases. Every person should drink 6 to 10 glasses of water every day.
But do you know that drinking water after eating certain things can be dangerous for your health? Today we will discuss those foods and fruits here, after eating you should not drink water immediately. Otherwise, you may suffer some reactions and become sick.
1. After eating watermelon:
Do not drink water immediately after eating watermelon. Watermelon contains a lot of water. If you drink water after eating it, you may suffer from diarrhea, stomach upset, and bloating.
2. After eating cucumber:
Cucumbers contain about 95 percent water. After eating it, your body gets the nutrients it needs, but if you drink water after eating it, it will have a bad effect on your digestive system. Because of this, you may have diarrhea problems. So avoid drinking water for some time after eating cucumber.
3. After eating gram:
Drinking water after eating roasted chickpeas or peanuts can cause stomach aches. This happens because our body needs gastric juice to digest the gram. By drinking water immediately after eating the gram, this fire is calmed down. In such a situation, when the grains reaching the stomach are not digested properly or their digestion is disturbed and it causes stomach pain.
4. After drinking hot milk or tea:
Do not drink water immediately after drinking hot drinks like hot milk or tea. It can cause nosebleeds.
5. After eating hot food:
Do not drink water immediately after eating. But if the food is too hot, then do not drink water at all, it can damage your digestive system. The body needs time to absorb the nutrients in the food. If you drink water immediately after eating, it will have adverse effects. Therefore, water should always be drunk about 30 minutes after eating.
6. After eating ice cream:
It is forbidden to drink water immediately after eating ice cream. Doing so can cause a sore throat. So after eating ice cream, you should drink water after 10 minutes.