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5 Effective Exercises to Reduce Waist Fat Quickly

5 Effective Exercises to Reduce Waist Fat Quickly

Exercise To Reduce Waist Fat: Due to wrong eating habits and bad lifestyles nowadays, obesity has become a serious problem. Due to increasing obesity, fat accumulates around the stomach and waist, due to which the body starts looking shapeless. Due to this, the entire look of the body gets spoiled and many people are not able to wear the clothes of their choice.

Due to this, the confidence of the person also starts decreasing. Proper diet and regular exercise are very important to reduce the fat accumulated in the body. If you are also troubled by waist fat, then you can do some exercises daily. Today in this article, we are going to tell you some such exercises, which can help in reducing waist fat. Come, know about it in detail –


To do this, lie on your back on the ground and bend your knees.
Now keep both your hands behind the head or cross them on the chest.
Breathe in lift the upper body and bend it towards the stomach.
Exhale and come back down.
Repeat this process 10-15 times.

Side Plank:

To do this, lie down on the stomach on the ground.
Now bend the elbow and put the weight of the body on the front part of the arm.
After this, lift the weight of your body on your toes and elbows.
Keep the body straight during this.
Pull the stomach inwards and stay in this position for 30 to 60 seconds.
Then come back to your position.

Russian Twist:

To do this, sit on the ground.
Bend your knees and keep your feet on the floor. Hold a pillow or cushion with both hands.
Lean your back slightly backward.
Now rotate the cushion from one side to the other, which will put pressure on your abdominal muscles.
Repeat 3 sets of 12-15.

Mountain Climber:

To do this, get into a plank position.
Then move your legs back and forth one by one.
Do 3 sets of 25 to 30.


To do this, stand up straight and then go into a squat position.
Place your hands on the ground and push your feet back to get into a plank position.
Then immediately come back into a squat and jump upwards.