Why You Still Feel Like You Need to Urinate: 5 Common Causes

Why Do I Feel Like Urinating Even After Urinating: We should avoid ignoring the changes in our body. If you ignore the changes happening in your body for a long time, the risk of many serious problems can increase. Frequent urination is also included in the changes occurring in the body.
Many times you must have felt that immediately after urinating, there is a desire to urinate again. Often we ignore this problem, which can gradually become very serious.
In this article, we will tell you in detail about why urination happens immediately after urinating. Let us know what are the reasons for urination even after urinating.
Overactive bladder-
You may also have to urinate frequently due to an overactive bladder. Actually, in this condition, the muscles of the bladder start contracting a lot, due to which you feel the desire to urinate again. If you are feeling the urge to urinate frequently, then get yourself checked once.
Enlargement of prostate -
Men often complain of enlargement of the prostate. Due to increased levels of the prostate hormone, the flow of urine stops, due to which the bladder can overflow. In such a situation, people feel the urge to urinate frequently.
Having UTI problem -
You feel the urge to urinate frequently due to a urinary tract infection (UTI). Patients suffering from UTI start having irritation and swelling in their bladder, due to which they feel the urge to urinate frequently.
Stress or anxiety is also the reason -
People suffering from stress and anxiety also have pressure on their bladder, due to which they feel the urge to urinate frequently. When they are anxious, they feel a lot of restlessness in their body, due to which they feel the urge to urinate frequently.
Pregnancy is also a reason -
Pregnancy can also be the reason for urinating again after urinating. Mainly in the 7th to 9th month, women have the desire to urinate again and again. Because due to the increase in the weight of the baby in the fetus, there is also pressure on the bladder, due to which the desire to urinate becomes very high.
How to keep the bladder healthy?
With a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, you can keep your bladder healthy. Let's know the tips to make the bladder healthy-
Stay away from smoking and alcohol
Reduce stress and anxiety
Include as little salt and sugar as possible in the diet
Pelvic exercise is very important