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Why Diabetes Increases the Risk of High Blood Pressure

Why Diabetes Increases the Risk of High Blood Pressure

Risk Of High BP In Diabetes: Diabetes is a lifestyle disease that can occur due to many reasons. At the same time, the risk of some diseases is also higher for diabetes patients than other people, such as, there is a greater fear of kidney failure and loss of eyesight in diabetes. At the same time, it has also been observed that people who have diabetes have a higher risk of hypertension or high blood pressure than other people. Due to hypertension, the risk of many serious health problems also increases in diabetes.

Why does the blood pressure level increase in diabetes?

High blood sugar levels and high blood pressure levels, both these problems are caused by poor lifestyle. The reasons for both of these health conditions are also almost the same such as excess body weight, high cholesterol levels, alcohol and smoking habits, not exercising, and genetics or family history. Due to all these risk factors, there is a constant risk of getting hypertension along with diabetes.

Insulin resistance is also seen in type 2 diabetes. In this condition, your body is unable to respond properly to insulin hormones and due to this the sugar level in the body starts getting high. Increasing glucose levels in the nerves damages the nerves. In such a situation, the nerves start becoming stiff and there are problems in blood circulation in the body. This can increase your blood pressure level.

These diseases can also increase in diabetes:

High blood sugar levels in diabetes can damage the patient's blood vessels, nerves, and kidneys.
The risk of heart disease can also increase due to high sugar levels and high BP.
The sympathetic nervous system can also be damaged in diabetes.
High blood sugar levels can cause fluctuations in the level of hormones.

What measures should be taken to avoid diabetes and high BP?

Balance your body weight and maintain a healthy weight
Reduce the amount of salt in your daily diet.
Consume more foods that have high potassium levels.
Exercise daily.
Take your medicines on time.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Take 7-8 hours of sleep daily and rest for a while during the day as well.
Prevent your stress level from increasing. For this, you can take the help of yoga, meditation, light exercise, and a healthy lifestyle.
Check your blood sugar and blood pressure on a regular level and pay attention to the fluctuations in it.