What is Imperforate Hymen? Causes and Symptoms Explained
What is Imperforate Hymen?
Imperforate hymen means an imperforate membrane at the genital opening. It is a congenital disorder seen in women, in which the thin membrane called the hymen that covers the vaginal opening is usually damaged. Usually, some girls are born with it due to a congenital disorder, although some girls are born without a hymen. When a girl reaches puberty, the hymen stretches in shape.
In some cultures, the hymen is called “virginal tissue”. Initially, there was a common belief that a torn or ruptured hymen indicated that the girl had sexual intercourse before marriage, so she was not virginal. But this is not entirely true. Because some women's hymen breaks before sex. This happens during activities like cycling, and horse riding.
Symptoms of an imperforate hymen.
Doctors usually start treating an incomplete hymen after a girl is born. But many girls don't realize it exists until they reach puberty.
Symptoms of an incomplete hymen appear when a girl reaches puberty. Early symptoms include abdominal pain and bloating that can last for several days. The physical symptoms are usually due to a buildup of menstrual blood trapped in the vagina. This blood can also spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes.
An imperforate hymen is a common condition that can also cause other symptoms, such as –
A missed period despite sexual maturity.
Pelvic pain.
Back pain.
Burning and painful urination or inability to urinate at all.
Bowel problems, such as constipation.
Abdominal pain.
Diarrhea, vomiting.
What causes an Imperforate Hymen?
An imperforate hymen occurs when the hymen fails to open during the development of the female fetus. This condition is more common in adolescent girls when menstrual blood accumulates in the vagina and sometimes in the uterus. An imperforate hymen occurs during the development of the female fetus when the sinovaginal bulbs fail to canalize with the rest of the vagina.
It is also considered a genetic disorder, although no genetic or mutational cause has been identified as the direct cause of an imperforate hymen.