What Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer in Young Girls?
Breast Cancer At Early Age: Nowadays breast cancer is not limited to older women only. Now women of 30-40 years are also falling prey to it. According to the ICMR report, in 2020, the highest number of 14 lakh cases of cancer were of breast cancer.
The increase in breast cancer cases at such a young age has become a matter of concern. Experts say that poor lifestyle, unhealthy eating and lack of physical activities can be a major reason for this. Apart from this, hormonal imbalance and family history can also cause breast cancer.
Another reason for the increase in breast cancer in young women is late marriage and late motherhood. Late motherhood disturbs the balance of prolactin and estrogen hormones in the body, which increases the risk of cancer.
At the same time, due to a lack of awareness, women also ignore the early symptoms. Therefore, women must self-examine and consult a doctor on unusual symptoms. Correct information and timely testing are the best way to avoid this disease.