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Understanding Urticaria (Sheetapitta): Causes and Symptoms Explained.

Effective Home Treatments for Urticaria (Sheetapitta) Relief

Batta, pitta, and kapha are inherent in the human body, but if any of these increases in excess, then your body becomes diseased.
Skin diseases appear when pitta increases in the body. Red, round, small, or large blisters appear on the skin. It is very swollen and painful. If this skin disease is not treated in time, it causes serious and complicated problems.

Main causes of skin diseases:

An allergy occurs sometimes after eating some food. Due to this allergy, red blisters appear in the body.
This reaction can also caused by insect bites.
Physical stress, such as stress, cold, exercise, or heat from the sun, can also cause dermatitis.
Some Medications, such as antibiotics (especially penicillin and sulfa), aspirin, and ibuprofen, can also cause skin infections.
Urinary tract infection.
Common cold or viral infection.
By pets.
Pollen of certain plants or flowers can also cause skin allergies.

Home Remedies for Skin Allergies:

Honey: Mix a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Drink this water in the morning on an empty stomach. Do this for a few days. It cures skin allergies.

Aelo vera: Because of its medicinal properties, it helps to calm pitta, and applying it to the place where there is an allergy will cure the allergy.

Cold pack: Wrap ice in a towel or soft cloth and apply it to the allergic skin. By this, you will get relief from allergy pain.

Cinnamon and honey: Make a paste of cinnamon and honey together and eat it in the morning on an empty stomach.

Pepper and Ghee: Grind 5 black peppers, add to the ghee, and eat it once a day.