Understanding Hemophilia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
You must have seen some people around you who often complain that if they get an injury, they bleed so much that it is very difficult to stop it. Everyone gets hurt, but it also triggers the natural process of blood clotting, which eventually stops the bleeding.
What is hemophilia?
Our blood contains a protein called clotting factor and it is activated in emergencies like trauma, which causes the bleeding to stop. In addition, despite the lack of platelets called thromboplastin, bleeding continues from the affected part of the body due to trauma, internal bleeding, or surgery, and such a medical condition is called hemophilia.
It is a hereditary problem. Anyone can become a victim. It has no specific symptoms and is only recognized when there is difficulty in stopping bleeding during trauma or surgery.
Children are often injured during play, in such a situation when the child's bleeding does not stop, then after a doctor's examination, hemophilia is diagnosed in childhood. This is why people feel that it is a mixture associated with children Before any surgery, doctors confirm this and in people with such problems, they first try to increase their blood clotting by giving them drugs.
Its main symptoms are:
Bleeding does not stop after injury.
Recurrent joint pain.
Sudden swelling of any part of the body.
Blood in the urine or stool.
The blue color in the body.
Bleeding from the nose.
Bleeding from teeth or gums.
Feeling tired and weak.
Prevention and Treatment:
It is a genetic congenital problem, so can a blood test from the baby's umbilical cord immediately after birth tell if the newborn has the problem?
If there is a family history of this disease in a family, then both husband and wife should be checked for it before planning pregnancy. If the report is positive then family life should start only after treatment.
The gynecologist should also be informed about the family history of this problem so that special care can be taken to avoid trauma to the baby during normal delivery. Otherwise, his body may bleed uncontrollably. A special type of injection is given for its treatment. If detected in time, this problem can be controlled.