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Understanding Alzheimer's: Key Symptoms and Cognitive Challenges

Alzheimer's Disease Explained: From Memory Issues to Care Needs

Alzheimer's is a 'memory loss disease'. It is named after Alois Alzheimer, who first described it. As we age, our ability to think and remember weakens. The human brain consists of hundreds of neurons, which form networks with each other. The most important function of this network is that it helps us to hear, see, smell, etc. Alzheimer's disease weakens these cells. According to research, if a person is not mentally healthy, the nerve fibers in his brain start to decline quickly.

Brain cells work like little factories to do their work. They take in nutrients, produce energy, build organs, and remove waste. Cells store information and then process it. The body needs a lot of oxygen and fuel to keep moving. In Alzheimer's disease, parts of the cell's machinery stop working, which also affects other functions. As the disease progresses, the cells lose their ability to function and eventually die completely.


Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing changes in memory, thinking, and other behaviors. It affects social life.
Over time, the disease progresses and becomes dangerous.
This is the most common form of dementia. It also affects other activities of daily living and begins to decline.

To prevent Alzheimer's disease, exercise for 10 to 15 minutes every day.

There is no specific cure for this disease. So if you keep your body healthy, you can get rid of this disease to some extent. Being physically fit improves mental health. Scientists say that those who have a healthy body have a lower risk of Alzheimer's. Daily yoga keeps the body and mind healthy and prevents many diseases. Studies have also shown that regular exercise helps maintain all body functions, improves health, and prevents the degeneration of vital nerve fibers. Exercise also slows down the aging process.

What types of exercise are beneficial?

Any type of exercise is beneficial in every way, but exercise according to your body because too much tiring exercise can cause pain in different parts of the body instead of giving peace of mind, so do yoga according to your strength and most importantly do pranayama. Kapalabhati, Bhramari, Anulom-Vilom are very beneficial for physical and mental health.