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This rare skin disease makes the entire skin red like a tomato.

This rare skin disease makes the entire skin red like a tomato.

Why does psoriasis occur and what are its symptoms?

Psoriasis is a type of chronic skin disease and its treatment can last for a long time. However, psoriasis is a non-infectious disease that does not spread to each other. In psoriasis, skin cells start growing very fast. Due to this, red spots start appearing on the top layer of the skin. Along with this, the skin appears thick and scaly.

Psoriasis is a type of auto-immune disease, its exact causes have not been found. But, it is a disease caused by a weak immune system. In this, the body's immune system starts destroying healthy cells in the body as well, due to which unhealthy cells start growing rapidly and work to increase the disease. Other causes of psoriasis can also be

Stress and mental pressure
Change in season and temperature
Skin wounds
Habits like alcohol and smoking

Psoriasis symptoms can increase in winter:

The risk of skin diseases like psoriasis also increases in the winter season. When the humidity in the air starts decreasing in winter, it also affects the skin. Similarly, blood circulation in the veins also slows down in winter, which makes the supply of nutrients impossible. Similarly, due to less sunlight and low immunity in winter, people's symptoms of psoriasis can also increase.

What are the measures to prevent psoriasis?

There is no permanent cure for psoriasis, therefore, one can get relief from this disease only by avoiding this disease and controlling the symptoms of psoriasis. To prevent psoriasis, you can keep these things in mind-

Take care of your cleanliness and personal hygiene.
Take a bath daily in winter.
Stay hydrated and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Massage the skin with a moisturizer or coconut oil.
Avoid eating foods that cause allergies.