Teeth and Gum Problems That Could Signal a Heart Attack
These days, heart attacks are quite common. Although high blood pressure, high cholesterol, genetic disorders, or increasing age are mainly responsible for heart attacks, such problems are also seen in younger people. However, according to a report, you can be careful before a heart attack with the help of some symptoms that occur in the mouth.
According to a study conducted by scientists at Harvard University, if you have been having pain in your teeth and gums for a long time or have swelling in them, it may be a sign before a heart attack. This pain is called periodontitis inflammation.
In periodontitis inflammation, the gums swell and bleed. This can also cause tooth decay. So, if you have such pain at the root of the tooth, it should not be ignored at all.
Periodontal inflammation activates the cells that send signals through the bone. As a result, the inflammation problem also increases in the arteries and directly affects the heart. If such a problem persists, the person may develop heart problems.
In this regard, scientists started a study with 30 people. Among them, those who had problems with their teeth and gums had a heart attack within the next four years.