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Nighttime Symptoms That Could Indicate Kidney Problems

Nighttime Symptoms That Could Indicate Kidney Problems

Kidney Damage Signs: The kidney is very important for the body because the kidney's role in filtering hidden harmful things in the body is very important in throwing them out of the body. In this way, your kidneys help keep you healthy and avoid diseases.

Therefore, when the kidneys do not work properly, the risk of many diseases increases for you. At the same time, if your kidneys are weakening or damaged, then it can show you problems (signs of Kidney Damage) at different times during the day.

Let's know about the symptoms that are seen when the kidney is badly spoiled. At the same time, some of these problems happen at night.

Major symptoms of kidney failure-

Feeling tired:

You may feel very tired when the kidneys are weak. This is always low in your energy level and you feel tired or dull.

Non-sleeping at night:

If you do not sleep for a long time at night despite a lot of fatigue or you wake up all night, then it may be due to your bad kidneys. After the kidneys are damaged, it is difficult for them to clean the toxins and this dirt starts dissolving in the blood in the body. It also affects your sleeping pattern and you do not get sleep properly at night.

Repeated urination:

In the case of kidney failure, the toxins stored in the body are not easily released with urine. Because of this, you may have to get up to urinate frequently at night. Similarly, if the kidney is damaged, the foam urine can also be seen in the urine.

Skin rashes:

Some people increase the rashes on the skin at night. Apart from this, problems like itching and irritation can also increase due to kidney damage. Actually, due to kidney damage, it becomes difficult to balance the nutrients in the blood. Because of this, symptoms of inflammation can appear on your skin.

These problems can also be a sign of kidney damage:

Swelling and pain in the feet
Muscle stiffness
Loss of appetite