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Lick This Mixture Before Bed to Stop Coughing at Night

Lick This Mixture Before Bed to Stop Coughing at Night

Problems like cold cough, sore throat, and fever start to be felt with the change of season. At the same time, some people cough a lot at night instead of during the day. Due to persistent cough, it is also difficult to sleep at night and the person feels tired and irritable throughout the day.

Does the problem of cough at night bother you in the same way as soon as the season changes, then read an easy and effective recipe to get relief from this cough here.

Ayurvedic remedy for treating cough problem

If you are having a cough problem after the change of season and especially coughing more at night, then you can consume honey with turmeric every night before sleeping. Both these herbs are rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory elements. If you consume turmeric and honey at night, then you can get relief from problems like symptoms of seasonal flu and cough.

What is the method of consuming turmeric and honey to get relief from a cough?

Boil a glass of water thoroughly. Then, remove from the flame and pour this water into a glass or cup.
Now add 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder to the hot water. Then, add a teaspoon of honey to this mixture.
Keep in mind that do not mix honey in very hot water because cooking or boiling honey makes it poisonous.
Now filter this mixture and consume it immediately like tea.

Other benefits of consuming turmeric and honey at night:

It provides relief from the problem of mouth ulcers.
Consumption of turmeric and honey is considered beneficial to increase the immunity of the body in winter.
The element Curcumin found in turmeric can provide relief from chronic coughing.
A mixture of turmeric and honey proves to be effective in providing relief from joint pain in winter.