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Is Your Kidney in Danger? 5 Face Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

5 Facial Symptoms That Could Mean Kidney Failure – Act Fast!

Signs Of Kidney Damage On Face: The kidney is one of the most important organs of our body. It works to filter the toxins present in the body and excrete them through urine. If there is even a slight disturbance in the kidney, then many major organs of the body can be affected. In such a situation, it is very important to keep the kidneys healthy to keep the body healthy. But due to wrong eating habits and bad lifestyles nowadays, kidney health is greatly damaged.

This is the reason why kidney-related diseases are increasing rapidly among people these days. When there is a malfunction in the kidney, many types of symptoms appear in the body. When there is kidney damage, some symptoms often start appearing on the face as well. If these symptoms are identified in time, then the kidney can be saved from getting damaged.

Today in this article, we are going to tell you about some such symptoms seen on the face, which can be a sign of kidney damage. So let's know about it in detail-

Swelling on the face:

Swelling on the face can be a sign of kidney damage. When the kidney is not able to function properly, fluid starts accumulating in the body. Due to this, swelling can be seen around the face and eyes. If you feel your face swollen without any reason, then contact the doctor immediately.

Change in skin color:

Change in skin color can also be a sign of kidney damage. When the kidney is not able to function properly, toxins start accumulating in the body, which can change the color of the skin. If the color of your face starts looking yellow or light black, then do not ignore it. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor and get it checked.

Itching and dryness on the face:

Too much dryness and itching in the skin of the face can also be a sign of kidney damage. When the kidney is damaged, the toxins are not completely removed from the body. Due to this, there can be a problem of excessive itching and dryness on the skin. Also, red rashes can appear on the skin. If you are also seeing such symptoms, then contact the doctor immediately.

Having pimples or rashes on the face:

Having too many pimples or rashes on the face can also be a sign of kidney damage. This can be a sign of internal infection of the skin and poor metabolism of the body. If you are having frequent acne problems, then you should consult a doctor and get it checked.

Dark circles under the eyes:

Having dark circles under the eyes can also point to kidney damage. Fatigue and weakness increase when there is a malfunction in the kidney, due to which dark circles start forming under the eyes. However, this condition can also be associated with a lack of sleep or lack of blood. If you are seeing such symptoms, then consult a doctor and get yourself checked.