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Experts Recommend These 5 Winter Foods to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

Experts Recommend These 5 Winter Foods to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes

Anti-diabetic foods: Diabetes patients are always afraid of their blood sugar level increasing, which is why they avoid eating anything. As in diabetes, diet has a direct effect on your blood sugar level. Therefore, it becomes very important that you pay special attention to your diet. While some foods are completely prohibited for diabetes patients, some foods are naturally rich in anti-diabetic elements and help in reducing blood sugar levels.

Nutrition experts and dieticians told about some such foods which are considered good for diabetes patients. By consuming these foods, your blood sugar level does not increase rapidly and most of these things are considered safe and beneficial to eat in every season. Read here about those anti-diabetic foods whose consumption helps in controlling the sugar level.

Foods that keep sugar levels low in diabetes:

Eat rotis made of jowar flour:

Do you know that jowar is an excellent millet for diabetes patients, eating rotis made of flour helps in keeping the sugar level low. If diabetes patients eat jowar rotis instead of flour, then their sugar level does not spike.

Raw turmeric:

Eating raw turmeric available in winter also helps in controlling blood sugar levels. You can consume raw turmeric in the form of pickles, vegetables, or chutney.

Ragi or Nachni:

If we talk about healthy millets, then the name of ragi also comes up. This healthy grain rich in iron can prove to be very beneficial for diabetes patients. It also fulfills the deficiency of calcium and gives strength to the body. It is a grain with a low glycemic index which prevents the blood sugar level from increasing rapidly.

Drink Amla juice:

Amla fruit is easily available in winter. Diabetes patients can benefit from drinking the juice of this fruit rich in vitamin C. You can also consume Amla chutney, dried Amla, or raw Amla.

Neem and bitter gourd juice:

Consumption of both these bitter things, neem, and bitter gourd, is considered beneficial to manage the glucose level in the body. Astringents are found in neem and bitter gourd which reduce excess glucose from the body. This helps in diabetes management. You can make juice by grinding neem and bitter gourd together. By drinking this juice, your blood sugar level will be easily managed.