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Drink This Before Bed to Control Blood Sugar Levels

Drink This Before Bed to Control Blood Sugar Levels

Home Remedies For Diabetes: Due to wrong eating habits and bad lifestyles nowadays, diabetes has become a common problem. Nowadays not only the elderly, but also the youth and children are becoming its victims rapidly. In the case of diabetes, the production of insulin in the pancreas decreases or stops, due to which the blood sugar level starts increasing uncontrollably. If it is not controlled in time, then this disease can damage many major organs of the body.

Unfortunately, diabetes is an incurable disease, for which there is no permanent cure available. It can be controlled only by medicines, diet, and lifestyle changes. Apart from this, blood sugar can also be controlled with the help of some home remedies. Today in this article we are going to tell you one such effective home remedy, which can help to a great extent in controlling blood sugar. So let's know about it in detail -

How is fennel beneficial in controlling blood sugar:

Fennel can prove to be very beneficial for diabetes patients. It contains plenty of fiber and antioxidants, which can help in reducing the level of blood sugar in the body. Its consumption helps in increasing the production of insulin in the body, which benefits diabetes patients. Apart from this, the fiber present in it is also helpful in improving the digestive system and reducing weight. Its regular consumption can help to a great extent in controlling diabetes.

How to consume fennel in diabetes?

To control the level of blood sugar in the body in diabetes, you can consume fennel water before sleeping at night. To prepare it, heat a cup of water in a pan. Add one teaspoon of fennel to it and boil it for about 5-7 minutes. Then filter it and consume it. Consuming it regularly can help a lot in controlling blood sugar. Along with this, there will be many other health benefits.

Other benefits of drinking fennel water:

Drinking fennel water strengthens the digestive system. Regular consumption of this can give you relief from digestive problems like gas, constipation, indigestion, and acidity.

Drinking fennel water can help in weight loss. Regular consumption of this can help in reducing belly fat.

Consuming fennel water removes toxins from the body. This detoxifies the body.

Drinking fennel water helps in controlling blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels in the body. This can help in reducing the risk of heart disease.