Antibiotics vs. Epidemics: The Real Danger Revealed
Antibiotics have a positive feeling in our mind that by taking them, the immune system of the body increases and cures the disease better. This is of course kind of true. But repeated use of any one thing causes it to lose its properties and work in the opposite direction.
In today's busy lifestyle, we don't have time to deal with our body's ailments. Therefore, as soon as common fever, cold, cough, and other diseases occur, we take antibiotics for them. We never think about its negative effects.
So let's find out the problems caused by the frequent use of antibiotics.
Liver damage may occur.
The fatty liver gradually changes from cirrhosis to fibrosis.
Good bacteria are eliminated from the body.
Stomach upset, diarrhea, etc.
Vaginal inflammation occurs in women.
Kidney damage may occur.
Digestive problems may occur.
Bones become weak.
Increased risk of heart attack.