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5 Dangerous Diseases That Cause Blood in Urine

5 Dangerous Diseases That Cause Blood in Urine

Blood in Urine Causes: Seeing blood in the urine can be very scary, this condition is also called hematuria. The causes of this condition can be serious in many cases. But blood in urine can also be a sign of a serious disease. In such a situation, do not ignore the symptoms of blood in urine for a long time. If you see blood in your urine, consult a doctor immediately.

However, keep in mind that you cannot see blood in the urine with your naked eyes, because it is in very small quantity. It can only be seen with a microscope. But if you see the color of urine pink or red, then consult your doctor immediately.

Causes of urine infection (UTI):

Urine infection can be the reason behind blood in urine. This happens when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urinary tract, through which urine comes out of the body. Then the bacteria multiply in the bladder. In such a situation, there may be a complaint of blood in the urine due to UTI. Do not ignore this condition for a long time and consult your doctor immediately.

Blood in urine can occur due to kidney infection:

Kidney infection can be the reason behind blood in urine. Let us tell you that kidney infection can occur when bacteria enter the kidney through the bloodstream. In such a situation, if you see a slight red color in the urine, then immediately seek help from a doctor.

Bladder or kidney stone problem:

If a person has a complaint of kidney or bladder stone, then in this situation blood may come from the urine. Let us tell you that kidney stones are painless in many cases, but due to this, there may be a blockage in urine. In such a situation, urine may appear in the urine. Do not ignore such symptoms for a long time and consult your doctor immediately. So that your treatment can be done on time.

Any kind of injury to the kidney:

If your kidney is injured due to playing or any other reason, then in this situation also blood can be seen in the urine. Therefore, do not ignore the signs of blood in the urine for a long time, and consult your doctor immediately.

Causes of liver cancer:

In the case of liver cancer, you may see blood in the urine. You can see it with your naked eyes. Apart from this, you may also see such signs due to kidney, bladder, or prostate cancer. In this situation, consult your doctor immediately.

Symptoms of blood in urine:

Blood in urine is a symptom in itself. Along with this sign, you may also notice some other symptoms, which are as follows-

The urine color appears pink or brown
Burning sensation while urinating
Sudden urge to urinate
Urine leaking
Blood clots in the urinary tract
Pain in the lower abdomen
Strong smell in urine, etc.